First blog... Ekk!
Okay this is weird, isn't it? I look at people who blog and I never understood it and didn't think anyone would read what I had to say but here I am... What am I even doing? Not sure. Will anyone read this? Again, not sure. But just like photography, I would love to share a little bit more about the places and people that I am taking pictures of. Along with that, there are a ton of things that happen with my growing business and I would love to just share a little bit about how I am growing professionally and personally through this crazy experience! So... here goes nothing!
Recently I have taken my little photography side gig to the next level and got my LLC! No, this does not mean that I am quitting my teaching job (at least not right now). I am trying to get more clients and nail down my style. It didn't come naturally at first, and I am still working, but I would like to think that I am perfecting my style by learning more about my camera settings and being consistent through my edits. Will I ever be perfect? Absolutely not! But it is fun to see myself grow along the way.
Okay okay... now on to the actual photography, am I right?
Well... most recently, I have been taking a lot of senior pictures and family pictures for people and I have been loving it! It is senior season and I have met some really cool seniors lately. Some are into sports, some are into hunting and fishing, and some just want professional shots, which I love because everyone is different! One senior in particular is my brother, Ben. He is going to be a senior at Johnston High School. He plays baseball and is committed to the University of Iowa. These are just a few of the things that you maybe caught on to through my pictures, but there is so much more that I learn about these seniors through their sessions! I just took pictures of Audrey, senior from Dowling High School, last night and it was so fun to learn that her outfit changes would be quick because she was in show choir which made for a little challenge of how fast we could do a dress change! Always finding fun while taking pictures.
Okay, that wasn't that bad to write! I can't wait to share more about the families, seniors, and newlyweds that I have the honor of taking pictures of. Next blog coming soon!